Audition Registration is LIVE!
Thank you to everyone who came to our kick-off get-together to meet our NEW Production Team, and to hear all about the upcoming Audition process for 'The Addams Family Musical'! We were so thrilled to see so many of you turn out, and especially to see so many new faces amongst our familiar MTDXB family!
We hope you had fun, and are now as excited as we are to start putting this show together? But first, we need a cast!
The audition registation stage is now open, but you've only got until Thursday 2 Feb to register your interest.
Please complete the form below, and tell us which principal character (or characters if you're feeling adventurous!) you'd like to audition for, or if you would prefer to be in our ensemble ('The Ancestors') or to be a lead dancer ('Dancesters').
You can also tell us if you're willing and able to support our Production Team in a number of different ways.
We've already received a boatload of forms back, but there's still time to join the family.
Oh, auditions will be on Saturday 4 Feb for Principals, and Sunday 5 Feb for Ensemble/dancers. We're going to see everyone, whether you've been in an MTDXB production previously, or not. So - while we will be allocating specfifc slots - please do be prepared for a little wait while we make sure everyone gets their chance to shine!
Make sure you click through on the link to audition material from the thank you page, once you've submitted the form, but just let us know if you have any issues!
Break a leg (or someone else's!)